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welcome to AIC Member's Area

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home/ who we are

An association of dentists that promotes knowledge, awareness, research and innovation in conservative dentistry

In January 1986, a group of colleagues with a great interest in Conservative Dentistry, organized a meeting in Saluzzo in order to create a new Association, which they called Italian Academy of Conservative Dentistry (AIC).

Since then, we have been active in promoting health and respect of the dental tissues through studies and scientific research in the field of Conservative Dentistry. Furthermore, we foster either cultural exchanges with similar international associations and meetings between academic teachers of graduate and postgraduate courses. Twenty-five years of attention and commitment that led us to achieve important results: we have organized many congresses, either national either international, the Conseuro 2000, dozens of courses throughout Italy, as well as symposia, close-meetings, continuing education programs. We have created and still maintain cultural relationships and friendship with prestigious foreign universities, including those of Leuven, Zurich, Geneva, Amsterdam, Berlin and Paris, as well as organizing updating courses for our members and study holidays  in Oslo, Chicago, Paris.
The main core of AIC consists of 80 Active Members.

Together we are exploring biological issues, clinical procedures and interdisciplinary aspects related to direct and indirect restoration of the single tooth. It is through the Conservative Dentistry that we learn to respect and preserve the tooth, to work meticulously knowing and correctly applying the most modern techniques, to make a proper treatment plan that meets real needs of the patient and that ensures the long-term success. Join us and become part of AIC. You’ll find a place where everybody who have as a priority the protection of natural tooth tissue – and especially young people- can meet, grow and update.