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home/ mission


It is through conservative dentistry that we learn to respect and preserve the tooth as a body organ, to work meticulously,
knowing and correctly applying the most modern operative techniques, and  to perform a proper treatment plan that will meet the real needs of the patient and will ensure a long term success.

ART. 2
Article 2 The objectives of the Academy are as follows:
A) To  Bring together in an active group dentists involved in Conservative Dentistry, discipline that aims to the morphological, functional and aesthetic restoration of the tooth.
B) To promote the profession’s interest in the study, research and advancement of the discipline and its best clinical applications in the field of prevention, diagnosis and morphological, functional and aesthetic  restoration of natural teeth, thus contributing to the oral health improvement  of the population.
C) To promote cultural exchanges with similar national and international associations.
D) To stimulate the meeting between graduate and postgraduate teachers of Conservative Dentistry.
E) To promote the unfolding of every activity in the most friendly way, disinterested and informal  possible way.
F) To promote and implement actions to humanitarian purposes, in favor of realities linked to the world of dentistry.